Wednesday, April 07, 2010

What Is The Date?

My fucking head hurts. It's a pain that's right behind my eyes, nauseating and indiscreet. I'd like to think it's something as simple as a sinus infection. Perhaps then I could just take some horse-pill looking anti-biotics, get a good yeast infection (yes, I said that, don't pretend that shit doesn't happen), and it would be the fuck over with. It's not that simple really. Nothing is ever that fucking simple.

Being a woman is fucking demanding, by the way. If having to shave and then pluck eye-brows for fear of becoming a furbie isn't enough, we have to worry about our pants becoming tight and are my feet really that rough, oh dear! Then there's the worry of becoming the fat fire breathing dragon woman with the headache forever or is it all my pre-menstrual joy of being a woman thought. Enough fucking already! Oh dear, I know. I ran out of happy pills three days ago. Is that the fucking problem? Walmart.

I am going to use the word FUCK a lot here, by the way. If it's fucking offensive, quit fucking reading. WALMART? Oh dear god. I like Walmart just like I enjoy grocery shopping. Well, grocery shopping is actually growin on me these days. You see, when you go to a grocery store and see a fat American in all their glory, the world begins to make sense. A basket full of Twinkies and Pepsi brings forth the 280 pound glory blocking the aisle, and everything is cause and effect and makes perfect sense. Walmart on the other hand is baffling. Generally, fat people have faultered previously at the grocery store and only come to Walmart to buy their diet-pills, videos and bigger pants, alongside the beef-stick-thingies-made-out-of-god-knows-fucking-what at the check out stand.

Don't get me wrong, I know it could be genetic. In that case don't let me see you at Albertsons with a cart full of fucking shit and then run into you at Walmart buying bigger pants and a new movie library for the week!

I digress. It didn't start at Walmart. It started, really, with me getting kicked in the gut like a kid at pre-school by my fast-growing two-year-old with growing pains all night, like I was some kinda bully. It started with me out of my bed, away from my love and having fucking nightmares all night long. It started at two am really. Fucking early morning.
I say that because it was.

Generally I get up like clock work at 7 am anyhow, because I have a two year old who knows not the joys of sleeping in. However, today I HAD to get up for FUCKING court. The one day my kiddo wanted to sleep. And of course, I had to fucking wake him up. Devestating I assure you. That kid was as happy as a bear woken from hibernation needing to take a massive shit, but being too clogged up to move!

Off to court. The (executioner) lady in the check in is kind enough to roll her eyes at me and tell me my kids have to stay in the lobby. Right, lady. I want them here as much as you do, I'm fucking sure. What do you want, a medal for never having a lack of a fucking babysitter?! Seriously. Top that with the bailiff coming out three times to tell us to shut up. UH HUH. Tell the fucking judge to see me and I'll be on my fucking way. Did I mention my fucking head hurts? Nate, please stop screaming! GARRETT!!!! Please just give your brother what he wants. PLEEEESEEEE?

Oh yes, schooll is starting soon, gotta register! Off for another adventure. No, I'm sorry lady, he's exempt from those shots. NO, I do NOT want any info on them. No, NATE! If you fucking touch that phone I'll..... I mean, oh my dear child. Please please be good for mommy. (Get the fucking school supply list and class schedule and fucking run!!!!!!! We'll worry about the bus schedule later.) Thank you dear secretary, we look forward to a very exciting year, too!

Oh how I love home. Wine? WINE!!!! Where the fuck is the wine?!!!! (It's eleven and I don't fucking care! Mix i with lemon-lime soda and it's a fine fit for before lunch.) Nate EAT! It's nap time.........moments of minutes and guzzling and eating pass........ OK my sweet little Nate, time for a nap... be a good boy....... NATE!!!!! (Naked little boy slams doors in background while getting naked and destroying dresser full of clothes all while throwing around toys and peeing in whole box of new pull-ups.) Noise? What noise? I'm sure he's sleeping. Ima just finish this glass of wine and then I'll fucking check.

Oh that phone....
No, little brother, I do not have dad's dog. Why are you guys calling me?
Oh that phone......
No, dad, I do not have your dog. What the fuck?
Oh that phone.......

Oh yes, I have a headache. Walmart? Fucking Walmart. I pray. Oh dear god, please help me through this horrid horrid experience I call Wally world.
Driving driving driving.... (No, Garrett, we aren't going to Olivias to get your box of legos, she couldn't find it. ARE YOU CRYING? Seriously?)

Of course, ten minutes later, this two year old who refused to sleep three hours ago is now passed out in his car seat. Covered in drool and sweat, I guess it's my job to carry him. Damnit. I love him, but my gracious is this kid heavy! This kid is half the size of me, and this fucking line is half the length of Walmart! My heart skips a beat and my fucking god my head really fucking hurts!!!!!!!!! Would you please excuse me? I have to get my pills or I am going to fucking explode!!!!!!! Diet pills are on aisle 15 and the deodorant is two rows down for fuck's sake! Oh, not looking for those things? Well maybe you should fucking be then!

It's hours later and my head still hurts. Time has elapsed and calmed the masses, though. I think the kids are asleep, so I think I'm just going to drink this beer and Breathe! Dear God, please make the pain go away. Oh no, what is the date, anyhow? I fucking forgot to buy tampons at Walmart. I love being a woman.

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