Wednesday, November 24, 2010

You Know The Truth. The Story Gets Old.

Nope, just as the title said, this here is a suck fucknig-fest, as I like to call it. It is what it is. There is no eloquence here, so fuck off if it offends you. If it offends you, maybe it's written for you, or about you. And if it doesn't, good for you. However, I am going to write it anyhow. Please, don't take offense in either case. My true love for you still remains.

So, here, a couple things I am tired of hearing about and tired of explaining. You think you know what a psychological mess I am? You have no idea. I am happy and free and content. Though, many people believe I still should have scars, and maybe I do. I am always here to answer your questions. And these are the ones you are afraid to ask, and these are the ones I am afraid to answer. We are all faced with difficult questions from time to time.

So, yes. My mother was a crack-addicted prostitute who used to turn tricks while I was in the car. She still loved me, and she still does. Does your mother love you?

And, yes, I still know how to love you, even if you are using the same drugs that pulled me into a million pieces as a child. Because I trust you, and I love you; I am willing to put myself out there for you.

So, yes. I had a one-night stand with a guy I thought was a million bucks while I was drunk on night, and now we have a child. And, no. I don't hear from him, nor do I want to. I am contet with that. I don't consider myself a slut, and I hope you don't either; even though I know you do. And the other guy, he's a fuck up too, even though I was married to him. I don't give a shit if he isn't around. I have no regrets.
Dead-beat. That's the word I keep in my throat. Have you ever heard that? I don't hold it in my vocabulary, because I am forgiving, and I know what's best.

So, yes. My father drinks too much... don't you have issues as well?

So,yes. I smoke fucking cigarettes. There are worse things, right?

So, yes. I am not a fucking soccer mom. Oh well, My kids are happy.

So, yes.... I am a fucking server at a restaurant, and I make a ton of money.... Are you jealous?

In a nutshell... I am tired of being judged for the same shit over and over again. My world is content and happy. What makes you happy? Whatever you want, take it. Get it. I will love you just the same.
I don't name call, and I never will.

I feel like a widow and an orphan. But I know how to love.
And i have faith.

It may not be in God, but I still have faith.
I have tremendous faith.

I hope it stays.

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