Wednesday, June 06, 2012


It feels like it has been years.  We live here now, in the middle of nowhere.  This place is called Gold Beach.  This place is called surreal.  I have a couple of jobs at restaurants, and we are local celebrities.  I don't know whether it's because I go foster dogs at the animal shelter, because I work at two restaurants, because I beat up a man the first week we were here (he was hitting his wife), or because we ride a tandem with a taga llong.

I realize i spelled it wrong.  However, we have a tandem with a tagalong, and there is another on the way.
We will travel the US.  YAY us.  No, really, we are going to travel the US.  Get it?  And, we will take our bunny.  
I won't beat men up, and if I do, you can know about it first.
The bunny will ride in a basket or trailer.
The boys are ready.
I am ready.
Ben is ready.

Are you ready?  Where are you?  Want to say hello while we are on our way?  
Meet us at the crossroads.

For now, we stay at the beach, in our home and prepare.  Ready to Educate Mel more?  I am.